
The aim of this panel is to show how depictions of migration have changed over time, and also how to analyze current representations of migration and their social significance.
The panel will discuss representations of (forced) migration in contexts such as museums, public discourse, and policies. We therefore welcome contributions that examine depictions in newspapers, books and other forms of media, artistic contexts, but also in political debates. In this session, (material) representation of migration in museum contexts deserves our special attention. As contact zones (Pratt, Clifford), museums are fields of encounter, debate, and confrontation. We will examine the role of museums as cultural and educational institutions and how they can impact public discourse and policies regarding migration. Ongoing changes to displays and forms of curatorial work should be considered in relation to their identity-forming functions, for example regarding representations in (permanent) exhibitions of historical and cultural-historical museums. Additionally, we seek to explore to what extent representations of migration and transculturality are related to dynamic issues of self-representation and the participation of migrant groups in these processes.
- Discussant
Maruška Svašek
(Queen’s University Belfast) - Convenor / Chair
Joachim Baur
(Die Exponauten) - Contributors
Maike Suhr
Ayşe Şanlı
Sophia Suk-mun Law
Chi Pham
Museum Friedland's Trailer
In lieu of a keynote, we're sharing this short trailer of the permanent exhibition of Museum Friedland. The exhibition tells the story of Friedland transit camp and the over 4 million people who have passed it since 1945. The displays of material culture, individual voices and media aim at a non-stereotypical representation of forced migration and at making connections between past and present.
(© xkopp creative).